
CPAN Testers Builder - Current Status

Most recent report2024-05-01 10:05:00 (142314903)
Time of oldest page request2018-02-03 20:08:02 EDT
Total page requests959443
Total unique page requests10771

The current status is purely a means to gauge current build times. Typically the builder can process around 50,000 unique page requests per day. This can translate into anything between 100,000 and 500,000 actual requests, although can occasionally be more. Following the monitoring of how the builder performs, the oldest request waiting to be processed can be a few days old, with higher profile pages being built within a few minutes. However, recent changes to the builder code, should see requests processed within a 24 hour period.

Below are the further graphs to help expand on the above metrics, thus helping us to monitor when the builder may be under extreme load, has stopped or has nothing to do.

CPAN Testers Builder - Performance (24 hours)

These graphs measure the amount of page requests outstanding at every snapshot.

CPAN Testers Builder - Performance (24 hours) - based on Unique Page Counts

CPAN Testers Builder - Performance (24 hours) - based on Page Counts

CPAN Testers Builder - Performance (24 hours) - based on Page Weightings

CPAN Testers Builder - Performance (1 week)

These graphs measure the amount of page requests outstanding at every snapshot.

CPAN Testers Builder - Performance (24 hours) - based on Unique Page Counts

CPAN Testers Builder - Performance (24 hours) - based on Page Counts

CPAN Testers Builder - Performance (24 hours) - based on Page Weightings

CPAN Testers Builder - Performance (3 months)

This graphs measures the amount of page requests processed at every snapshot.

CPAN Testers Builder - Performance (3 months)