Text-MicroMason v2.23 Perl 5 v5.39.7 x86_64-linux-ld

Andreas J. König (ANDK)
Text-MicroMason v2.23
Perl 5 v5.39.7 x86_64-linux-ld
This distribution has been tested as part of the CPAN Testers
project, supporting the Perl programming language.  See
http://wiki.cpantesters.org/ for more information or email
questions to cpan-testers-discuss@perl.org

Dear Alan Ferrency,

This is a computer-generated report for Text-MicroMason-2.23
on perl 5.39.7, created by CPAN-Reporter-1.2019.

Thank you for uploading your work to CPAN.  However, there was a problem
testing your distribution.

If you think this report is invalid, please consult the CPAN Testers Wiki
for suggestions on how to avoid getting FAIL reports for missing library
or binary dependencies, unsupported operating systems, and so on:


Sections of this report:

    * Tester comments
    * Program output
    * Prerequisites
    * Environment and other context


Additional comments from tester:

this report is from an automated smoke testing program
and was not reviewed by a human for accuracy


Output from '/usr/bin/make test':

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/tmp/basesmoker-reloperl-GFa2/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/00-startup.t .............. ok
t/01-syntax.t ............... ok
t/02-perl.t ................. ok
t/03-args.t ................. ok
t/04-blocks.t ............... ok
t/05-file.t ................. ok
t/06-masonobj.t ............. ok
t/07-class.t ................ ok

#   Failed test 'second line of $@ is blank'
#   at t/08-errors.t line 51.
#                   'Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^$)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test 'third line of $@ has a #line'
#   at t/08-errors.t line 54.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:   0  # line 1 "text template \(compiled at t/08-errors.t line )'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*0\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '   0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*1\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '   1  sub { '
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*2\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '   2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*3\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '   3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*4\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '   4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*5\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '   5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*6\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '   6  This\ ) );'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*7\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '   7  push @OUT,( "".do{'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*8\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '   8   thing( '
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*9\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '   9  } );'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*10\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '  10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*11\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '  11  End\.\'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*12\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '  12  ) );'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*13\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '  13  join("", @OUT)'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*14\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35

#   Failed test at t/08-errors.t line 67.
#                   '  14  }'
#     doesn't match '(?^:^\s*15\s+)'
# MicroMason compilation failed: syntax error at text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) line 9, at EOF
# Execution of text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35) aborted due to compilation errors.
#    0  # line 1 "text template (compiled at t/08-errors.t line 35)"
#    1  sub { 
#    2  local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { ref($_[0]) and die $_[0];  die "MicroMason execution failed: ", @_ };
#    3  my @OUT; my $_out = sub {push @OUT, @_};
#    4  my %ARGS = @_ if ($#_ % 2);
#    5  push @OUT,( qq(Hello\ world\!\
#    6  This\ ) );
#    7  push @OUT,( "".do{
#    8   thing( 
#    9  } );
#   10  push @OUT,( qq(\ is\ a\ test\.\
#   11  End\.\
#   12  ) );
#   13  join("", @OUT)
#   14  }
# ** Please use Text::MicroMason->new(-LineNumbers) for better diagnostics!
#  at t/08-errors.t line 35.
# 	eval {...} called at t/08-errors.t line 35
# Looks like you planned 28 tests but ran 29.
# Looks like you failed 18 tests of 29 run.
t/08-errors.t ............... 
Dubious, test returned 18 (wstat 4608, 0x1200)
Failed 17/28 subtests 
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at text template (compiled at t/09-regression.t line 24) line 6.
t/09-regression.t ........... ok
t/31-catch_errors.t ......... ok
t/32-safe.t ................. ok
t/33-filters.t .............. ok
t/34-compile_cache.t ........ ok
t/35-execute_cache.t ........ ok
t/36-template_dir.t ......... ok
t/37-post_process.t ......... ok
t/38-allow_globals.t ........ ok
t/39-debug.t ................ ok
t/40-pass_variables.t ....... ok
t/41-line_numbers.t ......... ok
t/51-server_pages.t ......... ok
t/52-text_template.t ........ ok
t/53-html_template.t ........ ok
t/54-embperl.t .............. ok
t/55-doublequote.t .......... ok
t/56-sprintf.t .............. ok
t/57-plp.t .................. ok
t/58-quicktemplate.t ........ ok
t/81-func-basics.t .......... ok
t/82-func-perl.t ............ ok
t/83-func-blocks.t .......... ok
t/84-func-errors.t .......... ok
t/85-func-file.t ............ ok
t/86-func-safe.t ............ ok
t/89-func-regression.t ...... ok
t/90-cache-dir-conflict.t ... ok
t/91-template_path.t ........ ok
t/92-template_path-cache.t .. ok

Test Summary Report
t/08-errors.t             (Wstat: 4608 (exited 18) Tests: 29 Failed: 18)
  Failed tests:  10-11, 14-29
  Non-zero exit status: 18
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 28 tests but ran 29.
Files=39, Tests=1315,  3 wallclock secs ( 0.18 usr  0.05 sys +  2.66 cusr  0.43 csys =  3.32 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/39 test programs. 18/1315 subtests failed.
make: *** [Makefile:986: test_dynamic] Error 255


Prerequisite modules loaded:


    Module              Need  Have    
    ------------------- ----- --------
    Class::MixinFactory 0.9   0.92    
    Cwd                 2.21  3.90    
    File::Spec          0.9   3.90    
    perl                5.006 5.039007
    Safe                0     2.45    
    Test::More          0.48  1.302198


    Module              Need  Have    
    ------------------- ----- --------
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0     7.70    


    Module              Need  Have    
    ------------------- ----- --------
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0     7.70    


Environment variables:

    LANG = en_US.UTF-8
    PATH = /home/sand/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/usr/local/perl/bin:/usr/X11/bin
    PERL = /tmp/basesmoker-reloperl-GFa2/bin/perl
    PERL5LIB = /tmp/loop_over_bdir-2083-iTyLi7/DBIx-Migration-Directories-0.12-0/blib/arch:/tmp/loop_over_bdir-2083-iTyLi7/DBIx-Migration-Directories-0.12-0/blib/lib
    PERL5OPT = 
    SHELL = /usr/bin/zsh
    TERM = screen

Perl special variables (and OS-specific diagnostics, for MSWin32):

    $^X = /tmp/basesmoker-reloperl-GFa2/bin/perl
    $UID/$EUID = 1005 / 1005
    $GID = 1005 1005
    $EGID = 1005 1005

Perl module toolchain versions installed:

    Module              Have    
    ------------------- --------
    CPAN                2.36    
    CPAN::Meta          2.150010
    Cwd                 3.90    
    ExtUtils::CBuilder  0.280240
    ExtUtils::Command   7.70    
    ExtUtils::Install   2.22    
    ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.70    
    ExtUtils::Manifest  1.75    
    ExtUtils::ParseXS   3.51    
    File::Spec          3.90    
    JSON                4.10    
    JSON::PP            4.16    
    Module::Build       0.4234  
    Module::Signature   0.88    
    Parse::CPAN::Meta   2.150010
    Test2               1.302198
    Test::Harness       3.48    
    Test::More          1.302198
    YAML                1.31    
    YAML::Syck          1.34    
    version             0.9930  


Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 39 subversion 7) configuration:
  Commit id: 96559478fdc3f2fe9c51cad02ebbae0c950b7b68
    uname='linux k93focal 5.4.0-169-generic #187-ubuntu smp thu nov 23 14:52:28 utc 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 gnulinux '
    config_args='-Dprefix=/home/sand/src/perl/repoperls/installed-perls/host/k93focal/v5.39.7/d3e4 -Dmyhostname=k93focal -Dinstallusrbinperl=n -Uversiononly -Dusedevel -des -Ui_db -Dlibswanted=cl pthread socket inet nsl gdbm dbm malloc dl ld sun m crypt sec util c cposix posix ucb BSD gdbm_compat -Uuseithreads -Duselongdouble -DEBUGGING=both'
    ccflags ='-fwrapv -DDEBUGGING -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64'
    optimize='-O2 -g'
    cppflags='-fwrapv -DDEBUGGING -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -I/usr/local/include'
    nvtype='long double'
  Linker and Libraries:
    ldflags =' -fstack-protector-strong -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib /usr/lib64
    libs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
    perllibs=-lpthread -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lc
  Dynamic Linking:
    lddlflags='-shared -O2 -g -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector-strong'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Compile-time options:
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Jan 20 2024 14:42:41